Wednesday, 17 March 2010

2010 Chelsea Student Awards announced: Details and applications

We can finally announce the 2010 Chelsea student Awards. This year there will be no less than six awards, being provided by:

- Acme Studios -
- Jotta -
- Transition Gallery - 
- Chelsea Space -
- Oval House Theater -
- NWLH NHS Trust -

Each award is unique and offers a different but equally fantastic opportunity to a graduating student from BA Fine Art at Chelsea College of Art and Design.

Below is a list of each award, its details and how it can be applied for, along with deadlines for proposals and applications. Click each image for a full size version. 

Best of luck to every one applying and to all graduating students for their degree shows.

And of course thank you to every one who has made this possible, especially those providing each award, this would be nothing without your generosity and support.