Monday, 11 May 2015

Rosalie Schwieker Award 2015

Rosalie Schwieker has kindly come back for another award this year, which will be selected based on the submitted questionnaire and a visit of the degree show during the VIP breakfast.The Jury this year are Rosalie Schweiker and last year's RSA winner Vicky Chapman.

The Rosalie Schweiker Award is a year-long support scheme for a recently graduated artist or artist group. Theaward will be tailored to fit the recipient's work and could for example involve a residency at Rosalie Schweiker's Space Station Sixty-Five Bursary Studio, a co-production, meetings on a regular basis or a field trip. If you have any further questions or would like to visit Rosalie's studio before submitting your application, don't hesitate to contact or visit

Please email the completed questionnaires to

DEADLINE: 6th June 2015

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


Acme Chelsea Studio Award 2015
Supported by Chelsea Arts Club Trust and Chelsea College of Art and Design.

WHAT: Acme Studios with support from the Chelsea Arts Club Trust is offering a graduating student a twelve month rent-free studio together with a bursary of £2,500.
This will be the fifth Chelsea Studio Award which will begin 1 October 2015. The dedicated studio for this award is housed at Acme’s Warton House studios in Stratford, London, E15  The building, formerly the head office of Yardley Perfume Manufacturers was converted in 2014 to provide 24 studios. The 88sq meter (approx) studio, situated on the first floor and fully accessible, is shared with two other graduate awards, from MFA Goldsmiths and MA Central Saint Martins.

As part of the award, Acme Studios works with the selected student to provide appropriate ongoing mentoring and opportunities for professional development.
BACKGROUND: The award was set up in 2009 when Kiki Claxton and Harry Major, two second-year students at Chelsea School of Art, approached Acme for support in providing more appropriate prizes for graduating students. Aware of the difficulties graduate artists face and encouraged by Kiki and Harry’s pro-activeness, Acme offered to provide a studio rent-free, initially for six months which was subsequently extended to twelve months.
In 2010-2011 the Chelsea Studio Award was greatly enhanced as a result of a grant from Chelsea Arts Club Trust, who encourage art and design education, and provide help and support for artists and designers. Chelsea Arts Club Trust have generously continued to support this award annually.
APPLICATION: By written proposal with images (maximum 2) to be emailed to: with the subject heading: Chelsea Studio Award 2015.

The proposal must include:

     A word document (.doc not docX – due to compatibility issues) or plain text file (e.g. .rtf) or a PDF document (.pdf)

•     Full name and contact details (both phone and email) must be included at the top of the written document.

•     Word length: 400 words max – please keep to one side.

•     Documents should be saved in the following format: FirstnameSurnameAWARDTITLE e.g. JamesSmithACMEStudio.doc

•     If including picture please save separately to the text as a .jpg or .pdf

•     Images should be saved in the following format: FirstnameSurnameAWARDTITLEimageNUMBER e.g. JamesSmithACMEStudio1.jpg

•     No more than two images may be included.

•     Unfortunately, we cannot accept moving image or sound as supporting material but can accept stills.


•     Describe what your practice is (try to be concise and clear)
•     How do you plan to use the studio and the bursary
•     How would the use of a studio benefit your practice
•     How would you hope to take advantage of the mentoring offered


•     You must be a student graduating in 2015
•     You must complete the application process following the guidelines above
•     You must be able to start the Studio Residency Award in October 2015
•     You must be eligible to remain in the UK for the 12 month period.
•     You must complete the monitoring form provided separately and send with your application.

DEADLINE: 5pm, Friday 15th May 2015

All applications will be considered and an initial short-list will be drawn up by a
panel of Chelsea teaching staff. Short-listed students will be informed and
asked to take part in a short informal interview alongside their degree show at
the Breakfast preview held on Friday 12th June (TBC). The final selection will be
made by a panel consisting of an Acme representative and an invited external